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Two Ways to Capture The Magic of Christmas With Santa Cam This Year!

For the past couple of years, some lucky children have woken up on Christmas morning to a holiday surprise: a real snapshot of Santa’s visit, captured by their smart home security camera! This year, make sure that your kids get in on the fun, too. Imagine the scene...the day the kids have been waiting for is finally here, sometime around 6:05 AM. You are dragged by the arm out of your bed by one or more children. First stop: coffee...which you clutch, blearily, wiping the sleep from your eyes after getting only 3 hours of sleep since, like most of us, you didn't wrap all your presents ahead of time. Next year I'll be more organized, you tell yourself, again. Your family gathers around the tree. Your kids clutch their first gifts eagerly.

Wait just a minute, kids,” you say, coffee now working it's way through your brain and with a twinkle in your eye and a nod to one of cameras that guard your home. “A special guest dropped in while you all were sleeping and we caught it all!”

Can you imagine their surprise? Excited?! So are we! We have two options for making this magic happen...

OPTION 1 - Setting up's Santa Security

To catch Santa in your home, you'll need the latest version of the app, and a compatible home security camera.

STEP 1: Open your app and select a live video feed. Choose a compatible security camera. STEP 2: Tap the Santa icon in the video feed.

This will get a still image from your security camera.

STEP 3: Choose a Santa from the menu to add to your snapshot. You'll see full-color images of the real Santa for a daytime snapshot, and black and white options for the night. You can resize and move Santa if you need to.

STEP 4: Delight your family. When your children wake you up at 5:30 am on Christmas morning, show them your snapshot.

STEP 5: Share the magic! Share your Santa snapshots with family and friends by email, text, and social media (use the hashtag: #SantaSecurity).

But, there's also another way to capture Santa with a genuine Santa Alert from your smart home security system! All you need is your app, your web dashboard, and a single contact sensor.

OPTION 2 - Setting Up A Single Contact Sensor

Here's a step-by-step guide:

We all know that Santa visits every year, and on Christmas morning the empty plate of cookies and a note from the big guy himself makes it all the more special.

Now, your security system can add an extra touch of magic with a custom smartphone alert confirming that Santa's visited. It's easy to set up. Here's what to do:

STEP 1: Designate a Chimney Sensor

A. On Christmas Eve, log into and click into the Sensors card on your homepage:

B. Pick a contact sensor that's easy for you to activate. In this example, we'll use the back door:

C. Click the sensor name and rename it "Chimney". Don't have a chimney? "Santa Sensor" will do:

STEP 2: Set up a notification

A. Go to your Notifications tab, then click New Notification:

B. Under the Standard tab in the pop-up box, you'll see a Sensor Activity option. Click on it:

C. Check the Chimney box, then add yourself as a recipient and save the notification:

STEP 3: Santa's here…

Before you go to bed on Christmas Eve, open the back door. The contact sensor will trigger a timestamped smartphone alert, reporting that the chimney sensor was activated. Now go to bed quickly, before the real Santa comes.

STEP 4: Amaze the kids!

When your children wake you at 5.30 on Christmas morning, show them the alert and watch their faces light up. Merry Christmas!

** Frequently Asked Question: How do I know if a video camera I have is compatible with Santa Security?

--> Answer: Open your app

and look for a Santa icon in the top right corner of the camera's live video feed. All compatible cameras will show this icon.

Santa Security is available until December 31. For more information, contact GenX Security Solutions.

To visit these instructions on the site, please go to: Santa Camera: How to Catch Santa on Camera This Year! (


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