Alert: Nationwide Cellular Outages and Your Security System
Today AT&T cellular customers, primarily, along with a smaller number customers of other carriers, experienced a total loss of phone and...

Smart Locks: Seven Fantastic Features
Aside from the convenience factor of not needing a key, smart locks enhance peace of mind particularly for parents and the security-minded.

Biggest Motivators for Purchasing a Home Security System - Survey Results
A recent survey revealed not only the top motivators for purchasing a home security system but also surprising home security habits!

8 Tips For Preparing Your Home Security For Summer Vacation
When it comes to home security, there are a few extra steps you should take to secure your home while you’re away on summer vacation.

Can Your Security System Be Jammed Like The Spy Movies?
What many people don’t know is that security systems can be jammed by electronic devices, which can render them useless.

Home Security Technology Has Come A Long Way in Recent Years
From smart security cameras which you can monitor from your phone, to wireless sensors that detect activity in your home, options are here.

Two Ways to Capture The Magic of Christmas With Alarm.com Santa Cam This Year!
Now there are two ways to capture all the magic of Santa this year using your Alarm.com smart home security app! Step-by-step here!

How to Manually Reset the DSC Security System for Daylight Savings
If you have a DSC Security system, here are your step-by-step instructions on resetting your system for daylight savings time!

The Essential New Home Security Checklist for Fall
The residential real estate market is hot right now! If you're moving into a new home it's easy to overlook the things that we don't...

Securing Your Smart Home From Hacking Vulnerabilities
There is a huge security risk in the internet of things. Everything from smart cameras, locks to hubs controlling them are all potential hac