The Condensed Guide To Security Camera Types
Bullet, dome, covert, outdoor, varifocal and night vision are just some of the common types of security cameras. And, we haven't even...
What are PTZ Security Cameras? PTZ Facts, Function, and Future.
So, you're giving serious consideration to having security cameras integrated at your home, business, venue, facility, etc., and you've...
Groundbreaking LiDAR Security Surveillance Camera Tech by Quanergy
LiDAR stands for Light Detection and Ranging and is being integrated into the most advanced surveillance technology on the market today....
Safe and Sound at Home with Security Surveillance Cameras
Modern surveillance cameras for home use are advanced, affordable, remotely viewable, and can have more than a year of footage stored on...
Hikvision Video Surveillance Technology Wins Innovation Award
As a proud integrator partner of Hikvision cameras, GenX Security Solutions congratulates Hikvision on receiving the ESX Innovation Award...
Security Camera Trends from Pixels to Cyber Attacks
The capabilities of cameras are certainly on the rise with ‘system-on-a-chip’ architecture allowing video analytics at the edge, improved...