Summer Vacation Home Invasion Prevention!
It's officially summer, and the season for vacations! Which means leaving your home behind and vulnerable. Today, more than ever, homes...
Financial Security Tips for Summer Vacation
At GenX Security we specialize in physical property surveillance and security technology and integration, but we care about our clients'...
DIY Home Security Hacks for Summer Vacation Peace of Mind
You've got your great new home surveillance system installed by professional integrators, (preferably GenX Security!) and are feeling...
Safe and Sound at Home with Security Surveillance Cameras
Modern surveillance cameras for home use are advanced, affordable, remotely viewable, and can have more than a year of footage stored on...
Toshiba Unveils New Video Surveillance Technology
Toshiba will be showcasing new video surveillance technology during the Electronic Security Expo in Nashville, TN from June 13-16, 2017....
Security Industry Product Guide, Spring 2017
Get a sneak peek at one of the professional security industry product guides showing the latest in home and business surveillance...
Security Camera Trends from Pixels to Cyber Attacks
The capabilities of cameras are certainly on the rise with ‘system-on-a-chip’ architecture allowing video analytics at the edge, improved...