Reliable and Secure Contactless Parking With RFID Technology
RFID technology is used to create a contactless vehicle access system, which improves security and efficiency for today's businesses.

Five Advantages of Top Surveillance and Security Cameras
Today's security goes well beyond the old barely visible, grainy images we've become accustomed to on the nightly news. In fact, if you...

Situational Awareness: Suspect Behavioral Cues and Indicators
Think of your favorite crime and detective TV show or movie and chances are somewhere in the script the main characters are engaging in...

Exacq Releases Advanced Situation Awareness Surveillance Technology
If you are in a business where situational awareness and analysis is a critical factor in your overall surveillance strategy, then you'll...

Big League Security for Little League Baseball
You know times have changed when the Little League World Series enlists security integrators to implement some high-tech security...

What Every Event Venue Must Know About Security Today
In addition to home and business client, GenX Security has large-scale event venue clients as well and with the influx of thousands upon...